

Beautiful last day in Maui, Hawaii! Sad to leave but ready to get back into my own bed. Only 9 hours on a plane to get through first…

Personal letter to my idol

Dear Cory Monteith,
Although I never met you personally, you truly have changed my life. I started watching Glee in eighth grade. It was a really shitty beginning of the year for me and I remember getting season 1 for my birthday. I was immediately obsessed. Glee made me happy when the rest of my life was sort of depressing. Even when it started to get better, I still turned to Glee for a smile. And when Glee started being pretty…badly written, I still watched it because you made me happy. I invested myself in you more than I had with even people in real life. Your personality was amazing, you never gave up, you turned your stumbles into stepping stones, and you never forgot where you came from. It didn’t hurt that you were also beautiful on the outside, if you get my drift. When pictures of you came out, they’d literally brighten my day. Everything about you made me smile. I don’t know how you died, but if you did OD, I want to say that I will not lose any respect for you. Personally, I don’t think you did, but if it had to happen like that, I won’t let the bad outweigh the good, and I’m glad your demons are finally at rest. I hope you never learn to dance quite well and you’re still singing classic 80’s songs wherever you may be now. I haven’t been very religious lately, but I know if there’s a Heaven, you’re there. If anyone deserves to be there, it’s you. Thank you for changing my life Cory Monteith.

Update: Cory, the fact that you overdosed changes my opinion of you by 0%. I understand that addiction is messy and hard and I know how long and hard you fought against it. It doesn’t matter how you died, it’s how you lived. And that’s selflessly, lovingly, and with a passion for the arts and for bringing awareness to drug addiction and substance abuse to help others. I truly love you and respect you more than anyone I’ve ever met. And I know you’re looking down on all of us, especially your family, friends, and Lea. I love you.




Well, today has consisted of drinking too much black iced tea and reading A Game of Thrones (so good!) I’ve already done my cardio so from here till…tomorrow I can safely relax.

My New Healthy Regime

This is my official “I want to weigh less and be healthier” post and writing it down should hopefully keep me motivated! I plan on eating very little processed foods; only when it’s absolutely necessary. I want to start exercising 5 times a week (which I already do for the most part). I’ll start doing Jillian’s 30 Day Shred (that hot bitch) and swimming/running! Thank you for listening, WordPress. You’re a good friend.